Increases in the level of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) in the human bloodstream lower bloodstream cholesterol levels by increasing the body's capacity to rid itself of excess cholesterol. Levels of HDL in the bloodstream of some individuals are significantly increased by a program of regular exercise and weight reduction.
Which of the following can be correctly inferred from the statements above?
A. Individuals who are underweight do not run any risk of developing high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream.
B. Individuals who do not exercise regularly have a high risk of developing high levels of cholesterol in the bloodstream late in life.
C. Exercise and weight reduction are the most effective methods of lowering bloodstream cholesterol levels in humans.
D. A program of regular exercise and weight reduction lowers cholesterol levels in the bloodstream of some individuals.
E. Only regular exercise is necessary to decrease cholesterol levels in the bloodstream of individuals of average.
簡單敘述題意 - 高 HDL 可以降低 cholesterol,而有些人可以藉由運動和減重來大量增加 HDL
作題策略 - 可先串連資訊,對於一些人來說,運動減重可增加 HDL,而 HDL 可降低 cholesterol
A. 體重過輕的人,就不會有任何高 cholesterol 的風險 - 題目只有說減重可以降低 cholesterol 的風險,但不可推論可以 "完全排除" 風險,為錯誤答案。
B. 不運動的人會有高 cholesterol 的風險 - 題目只提到運動可以降低 cholesterol 的風險,但並不能推論不運動就會有高 cholesterol 的風險 (過度推論的比較),為錯誤答案。
C. 運動和減重為降低 cholesterol 最有效的方法 - 題目只說這兩個方法有效,但並無法推論此兩種方法"最有效",為錯誤答案。
D. 對於一些人來說,運動及減重可降低 cholesterol - 符合題目串連資訊的推論,為正確答案
E. 只有持續運動才可減少cholesterol - 有效方法,不能推論為"唯一方法",為錯誤答案