Assumption 為做出一個完整的 Argument or Plan 時,一個已經認定的既定事實。既然是既定事實。則此 Argument or Plan 就會有一個 "似有似無" 的跳躍思考部分。

For example: 我討厭說謊的人,所以我討厭政治家中間跳躍思考部分,很明顯的就是 "政治家就是說謊的人"。因為這是認定事實,所以不會在 argument 時出現一次。而這是 Assumption 最基本的定義及思考方向。

OG 的例題如下:


In recent years, many cabinetmakers have been winning acclaim as artists. But since furniture must be useful, cabinetmakers must exercise their craft with an eye to the practical utility of their product. For this reason, cabinetmaking is not art.

Which of the following is an assumption that supports drawing the conclusion above from the reason given for that conclusion?


Ans: An object is not an art object if its maker pays attention to the object’s practical utility.


用中文簡單陳述一下,作者在題目中,認為 木匠做家具注重實用性 --> 木工不是藝術

很明顯,他將實用性和藝術當成一項因果關係做成 Argument,所以這裡就是跳躍思考之處。一般來說,我們並不會認為這兩者有絕對的關係。所以作者必定認為注重實用性的就不是藝術,也就是我們的答案。


在此加入第二個 Example:



The interview is an essential part of a successful hiring program because, with it, job applicants who have personalities that are unsuited to the requirements of the job will be eliminated from consideration.


The argument above logically depends on which of the following assumptions?


Ans: Interviewers can accurately identify applicants whose personalities are unsuited to the requirements of the job.



用中文簡單陳述一下,作者在題目中,認為 應徵者不合工作需求,將會排除在考量之外 --> Interview 是一個很重要的應徵過程


在這個因果關係當中,原因並沒有陳述 interview 的作用,但結論卻直接下了和  Interview 很重要的結論。因此,對作者來說,Interview 有分辨應徵者是否合乎工作需求的功能。有如此的答案 (Answer C) 即可填入: 面試官可以明確分辨應徵者是否不合工作需求

所以在解 Assumption 第一步,就是先看是否有跳躍思考的空間,有解釋跳躍思考的答案,則為不錯的答案可填入。




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