Pronoun 也和一般主詞或受詞一樣,必須有一致性,代名詞明白指出指代對象。


1. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.

à  retail sales figures (複數)  it (單數) 不合 

2. While each state faces a similar industrial waste problem, their predominant industries and regulatory environment obviously determine the types and amounts of waste produced, as well as the cost of disposal.

à  each state (單數)  their (複數) 不合

3. The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.

à  citrus (單數)  them (複數) 不合  

4. A report by the American Academy for the Advancement of Science has concluded that much of the currently uncontrolled dioxins to which North

à  dioxins much 不合



5. Fossils of the arm of a sloth, that they found in Puerto Rico in 1991, has been dated at 34 million years old, thus making it the earliest mammal known on the Greater Antilles Islands.

à  they 沒指代對象,以本題來說,they  往前只能找到  fossils,但 fossils 不可能自己找到 (found) 自己 (fossils)。所以找不到合理指代對象,一樣錯誤。



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