目前分類:Number Basic (7)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

  x,a,b 是positive real number,問 a<x<b?
  (1) x<(a+b)/2

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  Is z equal to the median of the three positive integers x, y, and z ?

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What is the median number of employees assigned per project for the projects at Company Z?

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 234. 還有一題ds  a*b〉0?  (1)a-b>0  (2)a+b>0


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f(x) >0, f(x+y) = f(x)f(y) 問f(0)?


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4. [DS] If 500 is the multiple of 100 that is closest to x and 400 is the multiple of 100 closest to y, which multiple of 100 is closest to x+y?
    1) x<500

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1.  x+y, x+5y, x-y, 5x-y 四個數任選二,乘積為 x^2-(by)^2,b為整數,求機率
 解: 1/6

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