(細項介紹在此: http://ndxica.pixnet.net/blog/post/43515368)

Admission Policy

Prior to Test Day: 72 hours prior to test day, view your profile on mba.com to make sure your name, date of birth and country of citizenship on your identification EXACTLY match the information you provided when you registered.

On Test Day: Leave as many of your personal belongings as possible at home. Arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled appointment (if you arrive more than 15 minutes after your appointment time and are refused admission, all fees are non-refundable). Present proper identification (mba.com/properID). Scan your palm (read more about Palm Vein Sensor at mba.com/pvr). Lock all valuables and belongings in the space provided at the test center. You may take ONLY your identification and locker key into the testing room. Follow all other instructions provided by the test center staff.

Identification Requirements

You must go to mba.com/properID to determine what identification is acceptable in your country. No matter what type of identification you are required to provide, the ID you present must be government-issued, non-expired, contain your name in Roman letters EXACTLY as it appears on your GMAT exam registration, include a recognizable photo, your signature and your date of birth.

(1. 考試政策: (1) 在考試前的 72 小時之前,必須確認基本資料 (名字、出生年月日、國家) 完全符合。 (2) 考試當天: 盡量不要帶太多東西入考場。30 分鐘前到考場,如果和原訂報考時間晚了 15 分鐘以上,將會被取消考試且不予退費。(3) 身份證明: 於連結當中有介紹需要攜帶的證件,原則上帶護照比較保險,目前台灣身份證還不予被承認為 GMAT 考試的身份證明。)

Reschedule Policy

Reschedule your Appointment: You can reschedule or cancel your exam online at mba.com or by phone by calling GMAT Candidate Services at Telephone (toll-free): +1 (800) 717-GMAT (4628).

Reschedule Fees: Current fees are available on mba.com. If you reschedule or cancel your exam appointment by phone, you will be charged an additional service fee of US$10. Cancellation refunds and reschedule fees will apply, depending on when you request the change, and as applicable by local law. The rescheduling fee amount is subject to change without notice and to local law.

(2. 更改考試日期或地點: 可以使用線上更改、或是電話更改。電話更改需要額外支付 USD 10 的費用。)

Cancellation Policy

Cancel your Appointment: You may cancel at any time. Based on local law, keep in mind that the following fees may apply based on when you cancel. Visit mba.com to obtain current cancellation fee information for your location. The cancellation refund amount is subject to change without notice and to local law.

Missed Appointments: If you miss your appointment for any reason, and you have not canceled or rescheduled it by the deadlines noted above, you will not receive a refund of your registration fee.

(3. 取消考試: 可以隨時取消考試,而如果沒有取消而缺考,將不會退回任何費用。)

Additional Information

General Conditions: When you registered for a GMAT appointment, you consented to the terms and conditions set forth in the GMAT® Handbook:mba.com/gmathandbook. You also consented to the collection, processing, use, and transmission to the United States of your personally identifiable data to GMAC® (the “data controller” under certain international laws), its service providers, any score recipient you select (which may be located in a country that does not provide for a level of data protection that is equivalent to the one in your home country), and others in connection with any investigation of unlawful activity or as required by law. You also certified that you are fully aware that you have certain rights to access, modify, or rectify personal data as set forth in the privacy policies.

Graduate Management Admission Council® and Pearson VUE will not be held responsible for expenses incurred beyond the cost of the exam, including but not limited to travel expenses and lost wages on the day of the exam

(4. 其他資訊: 就是報考之後,要遵守 Handbook 裡面的種種規定.......)


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