Dear Test Prep Company,
GMAC is happy to announce a new feature to the GMAT® exam that will benefit test takers. Effective June 27 2014, all test takers will now be able to view their unofficial GMAT scores prior to making a decision to accept or cancel them, giving them more certainty and control of how their application and GMAT scores are received by schools. GMAC is dedicated to promoting the value of graduate management education and make it easier to take the GMAT and connect with schools.
在此分享 GMAC 原文版消息,總之大意就是 - 同學在決定是否要 cancel 分數之前就會先知道總分,這跟以往在不知道總分就得決定是否要 cancel 的情形不一樣,讓同學更有彈性的決定是否要重考、是否要接受新的分數。如果在 72 hours 之內決定 cancel,則花費為 USD 25。綜觀來說,應該對考生算是好消息。
除此之外,如果想要復原 (reinstate) 成績,花費為 75 USD。Cancel 後學校則看不到成績,而 reinstate 之後 GMAC 會加發至你當日考試中所選的學校。